Venison "Salsiz", venison sausage Peter Mannhart, Arosa
deer pepper Schweiz / Deutschland / Österreich
venison Schweiz / Deutschland / Österreich
Chicken EU
Veal & pork meat "Traitafina", Swiss Prime
Beef Australien, Cassino Meat Company Ldt, is committed to animal husbandry,
processing and traceability to the highest standards.
Produced with non-hormonal performance enhancers,
No antibiotics.
Venison meat Rageth Landquart Switzerland, New Zealand
Food intolerences As a guest with a food allergy, gluten- or lactose intolerence please inform our staff, that we can guarantee the best preparation of you meal.
We like to help you
All our prices are in CHF and include 8.1% VAT.
* V: vegetarian, L: lactose-free, G: gluten-free