Alle Sandwiches und Burgers werden mit Auswahl an Pommes Frites oder Süsskartoffel Fries serviert
All sandwiches and burgers are served with choice of French fries or sweet potato fries
Buena Vista Sandwich Club Chicken breast, bacon, fried egg, iceberg lettuce, cocktail sauce, tomato, cucumber
Magnificent Burger Beef patty, brioche, cheese, bacon, salad, tomato, onion ring, BBQ sauce. Served with a choice of French fries or sweet potato fries.
Tennesse Whiskey Burger Pulled pork (180g), Brioche, lettuce, cabbage salad, Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce. Served with a choice of French fries or sweet potato fries.
contains Cereals containing gluten
Salsa Vegan Burger Soy and green pea patty, vegan bun, tomato, lettuce, pineapple and mango "ghost sauce", guacamole. Served with a choice of French fries or sweet potato fries.
contains Cereals containing gluten
Hard Rock Premium Wagyu Burger Wagyu and Swiss beef burger patty (approx. 200g), brioche, cheese, bacon, salad, tomato, onion ring, BBQ sauce. Served with a choice of French fries or sweet potato fries.